Writing if
statements in my GLSL shader code crashes Xamarin Studio. Also declaring a vec3
, vec4
or other miscellaneous data types will initiate the eternal hang also.
It seems Xamarin can't parse the foreign language. And that's fine, I don't need it to, but I do need to be able to work on my code.
Can I disable parsing, error checking, etc for specific files in my solution?
(extending our comments from your question)
Xamarin 6.1 editing shader files with if/else, vec2/vec3/vec4, etc.. without any issues:
Shown is a Addin that extends the mime type text/x-cgsrc
(CGSyntaxMode.xml) with some minor additions for:
<File pattern="*.shader" />
<File pattern="*.fs" />
<File pattern="*.vs" />
<File pattern="*.cginc" />
<File pattern="*.vert" />
<File pattern="*.tese" />
<File pattern="*.tesc" />
<File pattern="*.geom" />
<File pattern="*.frag" />
<File pattern="*.comp" />
Dark Theme setting in 6.1: