I'd like to be able to get the file path of a link in emacs org-mode as a string, which I could then parse in various ways and return to org-open-file
. So, e.g., the link [[file:/path/to/file.org]][link text]
would return the string /path/to/file.org
. I'm betting this is basic elisp, but I'm new to elisp.
You can access this information from the Org element API. Here is an example that gets the path and opens it in a Dired buffer.
(defun km/org-link-dired-jump ()
"Open Dired for directory of file link at point."
(let ((el (org-element-lineage (org-element-context) '(link) t)))
(unless (and el (equal (org-element-property :type el) "file"))
(user-error "Not on file link"))
(dired-jump 'other-window
(expand-file-name (org-element-property :path el)))))
(This depends on Org version 8.3 or greater.)