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Using WinSCP from PowerShell to retrieve files modified within the last hour

I'm using a PowerShell script to retrieve a file from a remote directory. I only want to retrieve a file if it was modified within the last hour. I was able to get the most recent file using the following code:

$directoryInfo = $session.ListDirectory($remotePath) 

$latest = 
    $directoryInfo.Files | 
    Where-Object { -Not $_.IsDirectory } | 
    Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | 
    Select-Object -First 1 

I believe that I need to add another condition to the Where-Object clause, but I don't know the proper format. For example,

    Where-Object { -Not $_.IsDirectory and <created/modified within the last hour> } 

How do I do this? Is there a better/simpler way?


  • Extend you current where-block to check if LastWriteTime is greater (newer) than a datetime-object representing the previous hour. Ex:

    $lasthour = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
    $directoryInfo = $session.ListDirectory($remotePath) 
    $latest = $directoryInfo.Files | 
    Where-Object { (-Not $_.IsDirectory) -and ($_.LastWriteTime -gt $lasthour) } | 
    Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
    Select-Object -First 1