I'm going to call a function, and set some parameters by name, example:
Connection c = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String query;
PreparedStatement ps;
CallableStatement cs = null;
try {
c = DbUtils.getConnection();
cs = c.prepareCall("{? = call get_proc_name(?, ?) }");
cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
cs.setInt("in_proc_type", ProcTypes.SELECT);
cs.setLong("in_table_id", tableId);
// here I should use something like cs.registerOutParameter("result", OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
PL/SQL function parameters are:
in_proc_type IN NUMBER, /*1 - insert, 2 - update, 3 - delete, 4 - select*/
in_table_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
in_table_id IN NUMBER := NULL,
in_table_type_id IN NUMBER := NULL,
is_new IN NUMBER := 0
The question is how to register result as an out parameter, and then get it from oracle to java? I can register in/out parameters by name, because I know theirs names from function, but I don't know how go get function result, what variable name use for it.
Manuals describe only usage in/out params with procedures, not functions.
Oracle version: Java version: 1.6.0_14
You register the function result as if it were the first parameter. Obviously, this shifts the numbering of the actual parameters.
Your already existing line
cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
is all it takes. After the call, get your result like this:
String result = cs.getString(1);