I want to keep a static const variable as a member of class. Is it possible to keep and how can i initilize that variable.
Some body helped by saying this
QString <ClassName>::ALARM_ERROR_IMAGE = "error.png";
Initilizing value for a const data
I tried like this
in CPP class i write
In constructor i write
ALARM_WARNING_IMAGE = "warning.png";
But not working... Please help by giving some hints
Here is the basic idea:
struct myclass{
//myclass() : x(2){} // Not OK for both x and d
//myclass(){x = 2;} // Not OK for both x and d
static const int x = 2; // OK, but definition still required in namespace scope
// static integral data members only can be initialized
// in class definition
static const double d; // declaration, needs definition in namespace scope,
// as double is not an integral type, and so is
//static const QString var; // non integral type
const int myclass::x; // definition
const double myclass::d = 2.2; // OK, definition
// const QString myclass::var = "some.png";
int main(){