Hi i have a problem regarding the merge of JSONArray inside JSONObject. Below is what my JSONObject looks like:
"1":{"x":[ 974, 975],"y":[154, 155},
"3":{"x":[124, 125],"y":[529]},
"8":{"x":[2048, 2049],"y":[548, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564 ]}
Now i have keys of those JSONObjects which i want to merge (inside coords
).I wanted to merge x
and y
respectively into one JSONObject here is my code:
String[] tokens = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded().get("coords")[0].split(","); //here i recieve the String Array Keys of the coords i want to merge
if (!image.equals("")) {
JSONObject outputJSON = getImageJSON(image); //here comes the JSON which i posted above
JSONObject coordsPack = (JSONObject) outputJSON.get("coords");
JSONObject merged = new JSONObject();
merged.put("x", new JSONArray());
merged.put("y", new JSONArray());
for (String index : tokens) {
JSONObject coordXY = (JSONObject) coordsPack.get(index);
JSONArray xList = (JSONArray) coordXY.get("x");
JSONArray yList = (JSONArray) coordXY.get("y");
but problem is that i am having error at merged.get("x").addAll(xList);
and merged.get("y").addAll(yList);
i am unable to access the methods.
As per suggestion of @cihan seven i am able to get the answer of my problem here is my solution:
JSONObject coordsPack = (JSONObject) outputJSON.get("coords");
JSONObject merged = new JSONObject();
JSONArray xList = new JSONArray();
JSONArray yList = new JSONArray();
for (String index : tokens) {
JSONObject coordXY = (JSONObject) coordsPack.get(index);
xList.addAll((JSONArray) coordXY.get("x"));
yList.addAll((JSONArray) coordXY.get("y"));
merged.put("x", xList);
merged.put("y", yList);