In Android Studio I imported the project developed with Eclipse + ADT (as described in ), and once the Gradle build is finished, the "import-summary.txt" says:
Replaced Jars with Dependencies:
The importer recognized the following .jar files as third party
libraries and replaced them with Gradle dependencies instead. This has
the advantage that more explicit version information is known, and the
libraries can be updated automatically. However, it is possible that
the .jar file in your project was of an older version than the
dependency we picked, which could render the project not compileable.
You can disable the jar replacement in the import wizard and try again:
android-support-v4.jar =>
gson-2.3.1.jar =>
Replaced Libraries with Dependencies:
The importer recognized the following library projects as third party
libraries and replaced them with Gradle dependencies instead. This has
the advantage that more explicit version information is known, and the
libraries can be updated automatically. However, it is possible that
the source files in your project were of an older version than the
dependency we picked, which could render the project not compileable.
You can disable the library replacement in the import wizard and try
google-play-services_lib => []
librarySherlok =>
But within the
class, of the libraryViewPagerIndicator
, i have errors in the import phase:
where messages of Gradle Build are:
error: package does not exist
error: cannot find symbol class ViewPager
error: package ViewPager does not exist
error: cannot find symbol variable ViewConfigurationCompat
error: cannot find symbol variable MotionEventCompat
error: method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
Error:Execution failed for task ':libraryViewPagerIndicator:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.
Note that in the SDK is present the Android Support Library: enter image description here
So I'm wondering:
add v4 support library dependency in libraryViewPagerIndicator module build.gradle