Question: Can Spring point-cut expressions run on non-managed spring components such as domain object? From my experiments looks like it doesnt, so what is the best way to run pointcut expressions on a regular object?
I created custom annotation name @Encrypt, so that when it is used on top of a field in a domain object, the field is sent to a web service and is automatically encrypted.
I first started with method level annotation, and found that point cut expression doesn't work on Objects not managed by Spring, it has to be a spring bean.
1. Spring Aspect: Checks for custom annotation @Encrypt and prints out.
public class EncryptAspect {
public Object logAction(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Encrypt encrypt)
throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Only encrypt annotation is running!");
return pjp.proceed();
2. Custom Annotation:
public @interface Encrypt
// Handled by EncryptFieldAspect
3. Domain object using Annotation
public interface CustomerBo {
void addCustomerAround(String name);
public class CustomerBoImpl implements CustomerBo {
public void addCustomerAround(String name){
System.out.println("addCustomerAround() is running, args : " + name);
4. Invocation
ApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("http-outbound-config.xml");
// CustomerBoImpl customer = new CustomerBoImpl(); --> Aspect is not fired if object is created like this.
CustomerBo customer = (CustomerBo) appContext.getBean("customerBo"); // Aspect Works
To your first question ("Can Spring point-cut expressions run on non-managed spring components such as domain object?") the answer is no. Spring reference manual has a chapter that exactly explains how Spring AOP works and why it won't work in that case.
The options I see are (in order of how I would most likely approach this issue):
's. It would be best, if CustomerBoImpl
was immutable, so that you would not have to worry that it will be decrypted and left in that incorrect state.