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Can someone explain what evaluate() and dragAndDrop() are calling in the following Angular Test Code?

The following code is used to test the drag and drop orientation of an angular-Gridster application using Protractor.

I'm new to some of these function calls below, would someone be kind enough to explain the significance of evaluate() --the API definition is too confusing, and dragAndDrop()? -- can't find this function anywhere

describe('DragAndDrop Test', function () {


beforeAll(function () {
    context = new Context();


it('should drag and drop a tile', function () {

    //target is where we are dragging the box to.  Box is the Box
    var target = { x: 400, y: 400 };
    var box = element(by.css('.ng-scope.gridster-item'));

    //scope is going to hold the scope variables that tell us where the box is located
    //see the documentation for angular gridster on github for info on scope variable
    //get the standardItems Scope
    box.evaluate('standardItems').then(function (scope) {

        //make sure the box we are using is in column 0 and Row 0

    //drag and drop the box somewhere else.
    browser.actions().dragAndDrop(box, target).perform();

    //get the updated scope
    box.evaluate('standardItems').then(function (scope) {

        //test to see that the box was actually moved to column and row 2, better test
    //this is to test the pixel location which is not the best
    box.getLocation().then(function (location) {

var Context = function () {

//load the website
this.get = function () {


  • evaluate() would evaluate expression in the scope of the element you call it on. Useful when you need to access a particular variable in the scope:

    Evaluates the input as if it were on the scope of the current element.

    dragAndDrop() is a "browser action" and is inherited from the WebDriverJS (remember, Protractor is built on top of WebDriverJS):

    Convenience function for performing a "drag and drop" manuever. The target element may be moved to the location of another element, or by an offset (in pixels).