I want to reset the administrator's password in the Seed method of EntityFramework. However, because there is no OWIN context, I cannot initalize ApplicationUserManager to generate a token.
This is my code:
protected override void Seed(ModelUNRegister.Models.ApplicationDbContext context)
var userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context));
// How should I Initalize userManager.UserTokenProvider?
if (userManager.FindByName(AppSettings.InitalAdminAccount) == null)
// Create user
var adminUser = userManager.FindByName(AppSettings.InitalAdminAccount);
// The following code throws error: IUserTokenProvider is not registered.
string resetToken = userManager.GeneratePasswordResetToken(adminUser.Id);
var result = userManager.ResetPassword(adminUser.Id, resetToken, AppSettings.InitalAdminPassword);
if (!result.Succeeded) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Concat(result.Errors));
I would like to know if there is other ways to generate a token to change the password.
You do not need OWIN context, in your code you instantiated a UserManager
. You have to show your UserManager
code if you want suggestions about IUserTokenProvider
But you can update the password without generating tokens. Add method to UserManager
public Task<IdentityResult> ChangePassword(ApplicationUser user, string newPassword)
var store = Store as IUserPasswordStore<ApplicationUser, string>;
return UpdatePassword(store, user, newPassword);
and in your Seed
userManager.ChangePassword(adminUser, AppSettings.InitalAdminPassword);