In some scenarios, when I pass a Enum to a method, I need to handle whether it is a single Enum value, or otherwise it is a flag combination, for that purpose I wrote this simple extension:
Public Function FlagCount(ByVal sender As System.[Enum]) As Integer
Return sender.ToString().Split(","c).Count()
End Function
C# (online translation):
public int FlagCount(this System.Enum sender) {
return sender.ToString().Split(',').Count();
Example Usage:
Dim flags As FileAttributes = (FileAttributes.Archive Or FileAttributes.Compressed)
Dim count As Integer = flags.FlagCount()
C# (online translation):
FileAttributes flags = (FileAttributes.Archive | FileAttributes.Compressed);
int count = flags.FlagCount();
I just would like to ask If exists a more direct and efficient way that what I'm currently doing to avoid represent the flag combination as a String then split it.
Option A:
public int FlagCount(System.Enum sender)
bool hasFlagAttribute = sender.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false).Length > 0;
if (!hasFlagAttribute) // No flag attribute. This is a single value.
return 1;
var resultString = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(sender), 2);
var count = resultString.Count(b=> b == '1');//each "1" represents an enum flag.
return count;
Option B:
The code:
public int FlagCount(this System.Enum sender)
return sender.GetFlaggedValues().Count;
/// <summary>
/// All of the values of enumeration that are represented by specified value.
/// If it is not a flag, the value will be the only value returned
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<Enum> GetFlaggedValues(this Enum value)
//checking if this string is a flagged Enum
Type enumType = value.GetType();
object[] attributes = enumType.GetCustomAttributes(true);
bool hasFlags = enumType.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(attr => attr is System.FlagsAttribute);
//If it is a flag, add all flagged values
List<Enum> values = new List<Enum>();
if (hasFlags)
Array allValues = Enum.GetValues(enumType);
foreach (Enum currValue in allValues)
if (value.HasFlag(currValue))
else//if not just add current value
return values;