I am working on a simple editor where you can move text, pictures, and pretty much anything around. It's nothing too complicated, however I am having an issue choosing between using PaperJS and FabricJS - The main reason being the ability to natively transform items (rotate, scale, etc.).
Even though I love PaperJS, I am really considering moving to FabricJS. I create tools for PaperJS like this:
function shapeTool(options) {
this.tool = new Tool();
var options = $.extend({
shape: "circle",
}, options);
this.tool.onMouseUp = function(event) { ... }
return tool;
This is probably the worst way to create them, but for me it's easy to throw all these functions in a file and init my tools: var tool = new shapeTool(options);
Since I will possibly be moving to Fabric, what is the easiest way to make modular tools. In which I can swap between them? (i.e. I have a toolbar and when i click a button my tool changed so i can freedraw, insert images, etc)
Clarification: When I mean a tool, I am talking about a tool in PaperJS. IN Paper, we are able to swap the canvas's active tool. The tool would handle the current mouseDown, KeyDown, etc. events for the canvas. I could write different tools for things like inserting shapes and images, and write one for freedrawing. I could then set the active tool to either one. This would allow me to swap between freedraw and inserting shapes.
Thanks, Hunter M.
In FabricJS you interact with the behaviour of mouse with events.
Cavas fires:
You register events with ON and OFF:
canvas.on('mouse:down', handler);
You have just on predefined state that is drawingMode true or false
canvas.isDrawingMode = true;
And free drawing starts.
When not drawing the mouse down and up or move can be customized by a property you add to canvs.
canvas.myState = 'addStamps';
Then in your handler:
handler(e) {
switch (canvas.myState) {
case 'deleteItems':
e.target && canvas.remove(e.target);
case 'addStamps':
canvas.add(new fabric.Image('stamp.jpg'));
You have to do same for mouse:up or mosue:move if you need interaction other than clicks.
This is one of the many ways you can obtain a similar effect.