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How can I add a tooltip to a node that does not implement Control using FXML?

In JavaFX subclasses of Control have a tooltip property which means that one can declaratively add a Tooltip using FXML thusly:

<CheckBox fx:id="someCheckBox" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Do It?">
        <Tooltip text="Whether or not to do it."/>

This is possible only because CheckBox is a subclass of Control.

However, I would like to be able to add a tooltip to any scene-graph Node using FXML (i.e. without having to programatically add the tooltip using Java).


  • There is an archived discussion on the Oracle Community Forum that suggests wrapping the Node inside of a ScrollPane and setting the Tooltip on the ScrollPane. This is less than ideal though as it adds an unnecessary Node to the scene-graph but more importantly does not work well in all scenarios. Consider trying to add a Tooltip to the graphic of a TitledPane:

    <TitledPane text="My TitledPane" fx:id="someTitledPane" expanded="true" contentDisplay="RIGHT">
            <ScrollPane fitToWidth="true" fitToHeight="true" style="-fx-background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);">
                <ImageView fitWidth="24.0" fitHeight="24.0" preserveRatio="true" pickOnBounds="true">
                    <Image url="/images/questionMark.jpg" />
                <Tooltip text="My tooltip."/>
        <Label text="Hello!"/>

    Even though the ScrollPane has a transparent background, there is still a visible white-box behind the question mark graphic:

    ScrollPane leaves white background - not ideal!

    There is a way around this, and that is to utilize the power of <fx:script>:

    <?language javascript?>
    <TitledPane text="My TitledPane" fx:id="someTitledPane" expanded="true" contentDisplay="RIGHT">
            <ImageView fx:id="questionMarkImageView" fitWidth="24.0" fitHeight="24.0" preserveRatio="true" pickOnBounds="true">
                <Image url="/images/questionMark.jpg" />
                var tooltip = new javafx.scene.control.Tooltip('My tooltip');
                javafx.scene.control.Tooltip.install(questionMarkImageView, tooltip);
        <Label text="Hello!"/>

    Note that the fx:id of the ImageView is referenced inside of the script (I did not see this functionality documented anywhere and only found it through experimentation - which in fact prompted me to post this Q&A in the hope that others would find it useful). The results look like:

    No white background and one less node in scene-graph - ideal!