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automatically set dimensions of d3/dimple data visualization for legibility

I'm trying to create a bar chart to visualize the number of Data-Science jerbs around the Federal Republic of Germany- right now it looks like this:

enter image description here

It's getting there, but it's not legible, which is a problem.

I want it to render in such a way that it will display the data in a comprehensible way no matter the size of the input file, i.e. it should be dynamic.

I know that data.length is the number of rows- but- what is meant by "rows", the number of lines in my input csv?

I've been recommended to use something like chart.setBounds(100, 100, data.length * k, 300) where k should be the height of the label + some margin. What is the best way to determine k?

I suppose that k is related to the y-axis and that really it is, or should be, just set by the maximum value of the inputs and that there isn't really much else I can do about that. Is it so?

I've been playing around with trying different values heuristically, i.e. trial and error- but that is clearly suboptimal.

What's a maintainable and effective way of always generating a map where the indices of the x-axis are all clearly readable and the y-axis is determined by the max value of inputs?

Here is the code I'm using to generate the bar chart.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  function draw(data) {

  "use strict";
  var margin = 75,
      width = 9000 - margin,
      height = 600 - margin;

  var svg ="body")
              .attr("width", width + margin)
              .attr("height", height + margin)

  var chart = new dimple.chart(svg,data);
  chart.setBounds(100, 100, 500, 300);

  var x = chart.addCategoryAxis("x", '"loc"');
  var y = chart.addMeasureAxis("y", '"title"');

  var lines = chart.addSeries(["project"],, [x, y]);




  <script type="text/javascript">

  d3.csv("Germany.csv", draw);


(This is a link to the data file Germany.csv on my GitHub).


  • Firstly I am iterating over the data that you have provided to remove all double quotes in the key and value of the json like this.

    datas = [];
    data.forEach(function(d) {
          var ob = {};
          for (var key in d) {
            var k = key.replace(/"/g, "").trim();//remove all double quotes and trim
            var v = d[key].replace(/"/g, "").trim();//remove all double quotes and trim

    Then I make the width of the svg based on the data length.

    var width = data.length*5 -margin;//5 is a constant width of the text label font
    if (width < 500)//set the minimum width in case data set is low.
      width =600;

    Set the width of svg an d chart like this

    var svg ="body")
      .attr("width", width + margin)//set the calcuated width to svg
    //set  width to the chart object
    chart.setBounds(100, 100, width -margin, 300);

    working code 110 points here

    working code with all points here