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Draw d3-axis without direct DOM manipulation

Is there a way to use d3-axis without directly manipulating the DOM? D3.js complements Vue.js nicely when used for its helper functions (especially d3-scale).

I'm currently using a simple Vue template to generate a SVG. To generate the axis, I am first creating a <g ref="axisX"> element and then calling$refs.axisX).call(d3.axisBottom(this.scale.x)).

I would like to avoid using to prevent direct DOM modifications. It works well but it conflicts with Vue.js' scoped styles.

Is there a way to access d3-axis without calling it from a DOM element? It would be useful to have access to its path generation function independently instead of via the DOM.

Here is a sample CodePen:


  • This is a situation that calls for a custom directive. Custom directives allow you to manipulate the DOM within the element they are attached to.

    In this case, I created a directive that takes an argument for which axis and a value which is your scale computed. Based on whether the axis is x or y, it calls axisBottom or axisLeft with scale[axis].

    No more watching. The directive will be called any time anything updates. You could put in a check to see whether scale in particular had changed from its previous value, if you wanted.

    new Vue({
      el: "#app",
      data() {
        return {
          width: 600,
          height: 400,
          margin: {
            top: 20,
            right: 20,
            bottom: 20,
            left: 20
          items: [
            { name: "a", val: 10 },
            { name: "b", val: 8 },
            { name: "c", val: 1 },
            { name: "d", val: 5 },
            { name: "e", val: 6 },
            { name: "f", val: 3 }
      computed: {
        outsideWidth() {
          return this.width + this.margin.left + this.margin.right;
        outsideHeight() {
          return this.height + + this.margin.bottom;
        scale() {
          const x = d3
            .domain( =>
            .rangeRound([0, this.width])
          const y = d3
            .domain([0, Math.max( => x.val))])
            .rangeRound([this.height, 0]);
          return { x, y };
      directives: {
        axis(el, binding) {
          const axis = binding.arg;
          const axisMethod = { x: "axisBottom", y: "axisLeft" }[axis];
          const methodArg = binding.value[axis];
    }); {
      fill: steelblue;
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <div id="app">
      <svg :width="outsideWidth"
        <g :transform="`translate(${margin.left},${})`">
          <g class="bars">
            <template v-for="item in items">
              <rect class="bar"
                    :height="height - scale.y(item.val)"
            <g v-axis:x="scale" :transform="`translate(0,${height})`"></g>
            <g v-axis:y="scale"></g>