I am using javascript regex to parse a series of URLs. I need to match a digit in a URL (it's actually more complicated, but I'm simplifying), but only want to match a number where a given word is not in the URL.
Namely, I want to exclude lines with the word 'changelogs' in them, and would therefore capture '1047', '1048', '1245' and '1049' from the following list;
I know I need some kind of look-around look-ahead look-behind, but I'm striking out. Here is the last pattern I've tried;
Here is the regex101 sandbox I'm using.
Also, it's important that the only match is the actual number. I don't want anything else to match.
Here is what my .NET code looks like (note the "BulletinOrAdvisoryPattern" is the regex in question)...
Regex bulletinPattern = new Regex(@matchingDomain.Vendor.BulletinOrAdvisoryPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
Match bulletinMatch = bulletinPattern.Match(referenceTitle);
if (bulletinMatch.Success)
//Found the bulletin ID in the NVD Reference Title
return bulletinMatch.Value;
The "ugly" regex you need is
See the .NET regex demo
However, all you need is
var result = input.Contains("/changelogs/") ? "" : input.Trim('/').Split('/').LastOrDefault();
See the IDEONE C# demo:
var lst = new List<string>() {"http://w...content-available-to-author-only...a.com/docs/changelogs/unified/1215/",
lst.ForEach(m => Console.WriteLine(
m.Contains("/changelogs/") ? "" : m.Trim('/').Split('/').LastOrDefault()
You switched the language from C# to JavaScript that changes the situation drastically since JS regex engine does not support a lookbehind.
Thus, you have to work around it, and there are means to mimick the lookbehind, or just use capturing mechanism.
If you can use capturing, try
See the regex demo
var re = /^(?!.*\/changelogs(?:\/|$)).*\/(\d+)/gmi;
var str = 'http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/unified/1215/\nhttp://www.whatever.com/docs/changelogs/anythingelse/anything/1215/\nhttp://www.blabblah/security/advisory/1047\nhttp://booger/security/advisory/1048/\nftp://msn.global.whatever/somethingelse/1245\nwhatever/it/doesnt/matter/could/be/anything/i/still/want/this/number/1049/';
var res = [];
while ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) {
document.body.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(res, 0, 4);
Or, use an optional group (if you are replacing):
var re = /(\/changelogs\/.*)?\/(\d+)/gi;
var str = 'http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/unified/1215/\nhttp://www.whatever.com/docs/changelogs/anythingelse/anything/1215/\nhttp://www.blabblah/security/advisory/1047\nhttp://booger/security/advisory/1048/\nftp://msn.global.whatever/somethingelse/1245\nwhatever/it/doesnt/matter/could/be/anything/i/still/want/this/number/1049/';
var result = str.replace(re, function (m, g1, g2){
return g1 ? m : "NEW_VAL";
document.body.innerHTML = result;