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Wildfly server doesn't start under Windows environment

I am using Wildfly 9 under both Ubuntu an Windows servers. Sometimes, I need to restart the servers but after I stop the server, I cannot start it again. There is a red message box saying Server start failed. The detailed message is:

WFLYCTL0158: Operation handler failed: java.lang.IllegalStateException

I cannot stop Wildfly because there is a bug on Windows preventing the user from stopping Wildfly server through Services. The process stucks at Stopping but it never stops the Wildfly service. I have to restart Windows itself to make it work again.

Anyone facing this problem? How can I overcome this?


  • Here is how I got around the "stopping" issue. To kill the windows service without having to reboot windows, create a batch file call it killwindowsservice.bat or whatever. Put the following in it.

    set SERVICE=%1
    echo Killing Service %SERVICE%
    FOR /F "tokens=3" %%A IN ('sc queryex %SERVICE% ^| findstr PID') DO (SET pid=%%A)
    IF "!pid!" NEQ "0" (
        taskkill /f /t /pid !pid!

    Just call your script with the name of the windows service. So for me I call my Windows Services the name of my application server instance. So for eaxmple "Server01".

    So for me I would call it like: killwindowsservice.bat Server01

    And the script will kill the windows service.

    The Windows service scripts that come with Wildfly 8.x+ DO NOT work on Windows 2012/2012 R2. I have not gotten them to work. I went and grabbed the jbosssvc.exe from a previous version of JBoss and customized the Windows Service scripts that come with it. And they work perfectly. I'm using these scripts on 12 Wildfly servers now without a problem.