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Can Gradle help solve jar hell in any way?

Java 8 here.

Say there is an old version of the widget libray, with Maven coordinates widgetmakers:widget:1.0.4, that has a class defined in it like so:

public class Widget {
    private String meow;

    // constructor, getters, setters, etc.

Years pass. The maintainers of this widget library decide that a Widget should never meow, rather, that it should in fact bark. And so a new release is made, with Maven coordinates widgetmakers:widget:2.0.0 and with Widget looking like:

public class Widget {
    private Bark bark;

    // constructor, getters, setters, etc.

So now I go to build my app, myapp. And, wanting to use the latest stable versions of all my dependencies, I declare my dependencies like so (inside of build.gradle):

dependencies {
    compile (

Now let's say that this (fictional) fizzbuzz library has always depended on a 1.x version of the widget library, where Widget would meow.

So now, I'm specifying 2 versions of widget on my compile classpath:

  1. widgetmakers:widget:1.0.4 which is pulled in by the fizzbuzz library, as a dependency of it; and
  2. widgetmakers:widget:2.0.0 which I am referencing directly

So obviously, depending on which version of Widget gets classloaded first, we will either have a Widget#meow or a Widget#bark.

Does Gradle provide any facilities for helping me out here? Is there any way to pull in multiple versions of the same class, and configure fizzbuzz classes to use the old version of Widget, and my classes to use the new version? If not, the only solutions I can think of are:

  1. I might be able to accomplish some kind of shading- and/or fatjar-based soltuion, where perhaps I pull in all my dependencies as packages under myapp/bin and then give them different version-prefixes. Admittedly I don't see a clear solution here, but am sure something is feasible (yet totally hacky/nasty). Or...
  2. Carefully inspect my entire dependency graph and just make sure that all of my transitive dependencies don't conflict with each other. In this case for me, this means either submitting a pull-request to the fizzbuzz maintainers to upgrade it to the latest widget version, or, sadly, downgrading myapp to use the older widget version.

But Gradle (so far) has been magic for me. So I ask: is there any Gradle magic that can avail me here?


  • Don't know the specifics of Gradle, as I'm a Maven person, but this is more generic anyway. You basically have two options (and both are hacky):

    1. ClassLoader magic. Somehow, you need to convince your build system to load two versions of the library (good luck with that), then at runtime, load the classes that use the old version with a ClassLoader that has the old version. I have done this, but it's a pain. (Tools like OSGI may take away some of this pain)
    2. Package shading. Repackage the library A that uses the old version of library B, so that B is actually inside A, but with a B-specific package prefix. This is common practice, e.g. Spring ships its own version of asm. On the Maven side, the maven-shade-plugin does this, there probably is a Gradle equivalent. Or you can use ProGuard, the 800 pound gorilla of Jar manipulation.