I wrote a directive that will render subelements with ng-click directive on them, this is the code I have :
.directive('popover', [
function($compile) {
return {
scope: {
items: "=",
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
$.each($scope.items, function(key, value) {
var item = '<a ng-click="'+value.ngClick+'">'+value.name+'</a>';
<div popover items="myItems"></div>
.controller('MyCtrl', [
function ($scope) {
$scope.myItems = [
{name: 'Do this', ngClick: 'doThis()' },
{name: 'Do that', ngClick: 'doThat()' },
$scope.doThis = function() { console.log('this is done') };
$scope.doThat = function() { console.log('that is done') };
The rendring works fine, I get a list of A element with right attribute ng-click on it, but the functions doThis() and doThat() are never triggered
I suppose the problem to be near the $compile command, but I already used this command in other context and it seemed to work fine this way. Also, in Chrome dev toolbar, I see no event related to ng-click directive for the elements.
Any idea ? Thanks
Your directive has an isolated scope so doThis and doThat are not is the directive's scope. Either you remove the isolated scope, or you could pass your functions like this:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.myItems = [
{name: 'Do this', ngClick: doThis },
{name: 'Do that', ngClick: doThat },
function doThis() { console.log('this is done') };
function doThat() { console.log('that is done') };
.directive('popover', function($compile) {
return {
scope: {
items: "=",
link: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
$scope.clickFunctions = {};
$.each($scope.items, function(key, value) {
$scope.clickFunctions[value.name] = value.ngClick
var item = '<a ng-click="clickFunctions[\''+value.name+'\']()">'+value.name+'</a>';
See this plunker for demo.