I am trying to add the hapi jars to the map-reduce task. I have all the required jars under /home/training/lib
I make the fat jar which contain all the hapi jars that i need and run
hadoop jar mp.jar stubs.MsgParser infile outfile -libjars /home/training/lib
i got this
Usage: MsgParser [generic options] <input dir> <output dir>
and in my driver i implemented the ToolRunner
More Info:
Is my hadoop jar command need modification or is there any other solution to add these jars, i can't copy the jars to /usr/lib/hadoop/client-0.20 cause i am not the owner
Thank you in advance!
Solution: upload your jars to hdfs and simply add
DistributedCache.addFileToClassPath(new Path(HDFSPATH), conf);
in the main method of the driver