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Hide animation on website

I need to do an animation on a website i am creating. I have 3 images and i need 2 of them to hide behind a main one (who is the one that has the mouse over it).
It must work with all the image containers. I have tried to write a jQuery function to do it but i can't find the rest. Extensive search didn't help althought i found pieces of the solution but i couldn't get them together.

Would appreciate a quick answer.

Here's my codepen with "part" of the solution: - mouse over the left container and you will see the effect i pretend in the other ones. When i mouse over the middle one the left and right should hide behind it and so on.


$("#caixa-equipamentosdesportivos div").addClass('informacao-posicao');

// animação posição
$("#parquesinfantis").animate({right: "80%"}, 600);
$("#mobiliariourbano").animate({right: "80%"}, 600);
$("#caixa-equipamentosdesportivos div").removeClass('informacao-posicao');
); });

Too much code to post it here, please vist the codepen version.


  • HTML:

               <a onlick=""><div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 caixaimagem no-padding"  id="div1"> <img src="" class="imagem img-responsive"><div class="caixa-informacao" id="caixa-div1"><div><span class="titulo">TOP SECRET</span><span class="descricao" id="descricao-div1"> sdfsdfsdf </span></div></div></div></a>
                <a onclick=""><div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 caixaimagem no-padding" id="div2"><img src="" class="imagem img-responsive"><div class="caixa-informacao" id="caixa-mobiliariourbano"><div><span class="titulo">TOP SECRET</span><span class="descricao" id="descricao-mobiliariourbano"><br>BLA BLA.<br><br>SOMETHING HERE</span></div></div></div></a>
                <a onclick=""><div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 caixaimagem no-padding" id="div3"><img src="" class="imagem img-responsive"><div class="caixa-informacao" id="caixa-parquesinfantis"><div><span class="titulo">TOP SECRET</span><span class="descricao" id="descricao-parquesinfantis"> asdasasasd </span></div></div></div></a>


        $("#caixa-div1 div").addClass('informacao-posicao');
        $("#div1").css({"z-index": "2"});
        $("#div2").css({"z-index": "1"});
        $("#div3").css({"z-index": "0"}); 
        $("#div2").animate({right: "33%"}, 600);
        $("#div3").animate({right: "66%"}, 600);
        $("#div2").animate({right: "xx"}, 600);
        $("#div3").animate({right: "xx"}, 600);
        $("#caixa-div1 div").removeClass('informacao-posicao');
        $("#caixa-div2 div").addClass('informacao-posicao');
        $("#div1").css({"z-index": "1"});
        $("#div2").css({"z-index": "2"});
        $("#div3").css({"z-index": "0"}); 
        $("#div1").animate({left: "33%"}, 600);
        $("#div3").animate({right: "33%"}, 600);
        $("#div1").animate({left: "xx"}, 600);
        $("#div3").animate({right: "xx"}, 600);
        $("#caixa-div2 div").removeClass('informacao-posicao');
        $("#caixa-div3 div").addClass('informacao-posicao');
        $("#div1").css({"z-index": "0"});
        $("#div2").css({"z-index": "1"});
        $("#div3").css({"z-index": "2"});  
        $("#div1").animate({left: "66%"}, 600);
        $("#div2").animate({left: "33%"}, 600);
        $("#div1").animate({left: "xx"}, 600);
        $("#div2").animate({left: "xx"}, 600);
        $("#caixa-div3 div").removeClass('informacao-posicao');
