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Unable to compile Impala's front end with maven

I am trying to compile the Impala's front end (fe) part with maven. However I am getting this error.

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project impala-frontend: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.cloudera.impala:impala-frontend:jar:0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.cloudera.impala:impala-data-source-api:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT in apache.snapshots ( -> [Help 1]

I used the command:

mvn clean package dependency:copy-dependencies -DskipTests=true

The pom.xml for this code on github here:

How do I go about fixing it ?

I was following the instructions from the cloudera Impala wiki:


  • Figured this one out. In order to compile Impala's front-end for the very first time you need to build the whole source the first time and then subsequent changes to the front end can be just built with maven.