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Convert RGBA{U8}(0.384,0.0,0.0,1.0) to Integer

I am using Images.jl in Julia. I am trying to convert an image into a graph-like data structure (v,w,c) where

  • v is a node

  • w is a neighbor and

  • c is a cost function

I want to give an expensive cost to those neighbors which have not the same color. However, when I load an image each pixel has the following Type RGBA{U8}(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0), is there any way to convert this into a number like Int64 or Float?


  • Following @daycaster's suggestion, colordiff from Colors.jl can be used.

    colordiff takes two colors as arguments. To use it, you should extract the color part of the pixel with color i.e. colordiff(color(v),color(w)) where v would be RGBA{U8(0.384,0.0,0.0,1.0) value.