I have an interface named IDebt, and a class implementing said interface named Debt.
I also have a list made of objects implementing the IDebt interface:
List<IDebt> debtList = new ArrayList<IDebt>();
The class Debt implements Comparable, but when I do Collections.sort(debtList) I get an error, because Java has no way to know that the object implementing IDebt as such implements Comparable.
How can I solve this?
You can do this:
public static interface MyInterface extends Comparable<MyInterface> {
public static class MyClass implements MyInterface {
public int compareTo(MyInterface another) {
return 0; //write a comparison method here
List<MyInterface> test = new ArrayList<>();
will work
Update: also for sorting maybe this makes more sense:
Collections.sort(test, new Comparator<MyInterface >() {
public int compare(MyInterface lhs, MyInterface rhs) {
return 0;