ASP.NET (or gulp) will take care of bundling and minification. However, the problem i came across is rather different. Per Angular2's tutorials, the view HTML is embedded within the component itself. There is a way, using TypeScript, to separate that into a .ts
and .html
files. Here's how:
/// <reference path="./view-declaration.d.ts" />
import {html} from '/app.html!text';
template: html
And faking .html
as a module in view-declaration.d.ts
declare module '/app.html!text' {
var html:string;
return default html;
This is using SystemJS with its text plugin. This will not generate System.register
for .html
files which means HTMLs can't be bundled along the transpiled .js
So questions is, how do you separate the HTML from JavaScript, but also be able to bundle them properly?
Also to note, this approach is just the same as setting the templateUrl
on your component. Both of which defeat the purpose of bundling and reduction of server hits per component. The offered solution from Angular2 is to use string and set template
on a component. This is pretty far from reality of junior developers and code reviews (yea not gonna get the whole code base in order to run and see if browser complains about a non-closed tag!).
As it turns out, you'll need to use templateUrl
for development, but replace that with template
during the bundling and minification. This is the gulp task for the job:
var gulp = require('gulp'); //install 'gulp' via npm
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); //install 'gulp-uglify' via npm
var concat = require('gulp-concat'); //install 'gulp-concat' via npm
var replace = require('gulp-replace'); //install 'gulp-replace' via npm
var fs = require("fs"); //already available in Visual Studio and of course NodeJS
gulp.task('bundle:js', function () {
return gulp
.pipe(replace(/templateUrl.*\'/g, function (matched) {
var fileName = matched.match(/\/.*html/g).toString();
var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(fileName, "utf8");
return 'template:\'' + fileContent.replace(/\r\n/g, '') + '\'';
.pipe(gulp.dest('my bundle folder'))
.pipe(gulp.dest('my bundle folder'));
This is to match .html
files and the template URL, but it can be tweaked if needed.