Per, a select menu is configured as follows:
<a href="#" id="status" data-type="select" data-pk="1" data-url="/post" data-title="Select status"></a>
value: 2,
source: [
{value: 1, text: 'Active'},
{value: 2, text: 'Blocked'},
{value: 3, text: 'Deleted'}
I would like the source to be stored in the page's HTML instead of JavaScript. What is the "proper" way of doing so?
From their docs
Options can be defined via javascript $().editable({...}) or via data-* html attributes.
You can just pass them JSON encoded as data-attributes
<a href="#" id="status" data-type="select" data-pk="1" data-url="/post"
data-title="Select status" data-value="2"
data-source='[{value: 1, text: "text1"}, {value 2, text: "text2"}, ...]'> </a>