Im using Sparkline with AngularJS, it shows the graphics correctly, the problem is that the frame that shows the data is unbalanced! and I dont know why, this is the problem:
As you can see the number 7 is out of the frame, I dont know the why of this, and I cant find the style of this frame, anyone knows how to? :D
Finally I fount the solution for this problem, I created the sparkline like this:
type: 'line',
height: 80,
width: '100%',
lineWidth: 2,
lineColor: '#dddddd',
spotColor: '#bbbbbb',
fillColor: '',
spotRadius: 3,
highlightLineColor: '#fff',
tooltipFormat: '<p>Clientes : {{y}} </p>'
So in the frame the sparkline shows the tooltipFormat, just put in all what you waht to show on the frame