I have a string, it gets squished into one line with a (return?) character, but should be like this:
Service Type: Registration Coordinator
Authorized Amount: $4
Authorized Mileage: $1.25
I want to get 'Registration Coordinator' or whatever is there till the end of the line, so I tried this:
var service_type = t_var.description.substr(t_var.description.indexOf('Service Type: ') +14,t_var.description.indexOf('\n'));
But it returns:
Registration Coordinator
Authorized A
Here is how the original string was created before being posted to the DB, I'm trying to work with it after it has been read back from the DB:
var fullDescription = "Service Type: " + that.current_wo_data.service_partner.skill + "\n\n";
fullDescription += '\nAuthorized Amount: $' + that.$('#authorized_amount').val();
fullDescription += '\nAuthorized Mileage: $' + that.$('#authorized_mileage').val();
There is a difference between substr
and substring
(don't ask me why)
.substr(start_pos, number_of_chars);
"abcdef".substr(2, 3) returns "cde"
.substring(start_pos, end_pos);
"abcdef".substr(2, 3) returns "c"
You are using start_pos
and end_pos
with the function substr
. That's asking for trouble ;)
var service_type = t_var.description.substr(t_var.description.indexOf('Service Type: ') +14,t_var.description.indexOf('\n'));
Should be
var service_type = t_var.description.substring(t_var.description.indexOf('Service Type: ') +14,t_var.description.indexOf('\n'));