After doing TONS of research on every stack overflow question there is and every page that google pulls up on the subject, I am unable to get sudo to work in Emacs with Tramp mode. (Yes, I have read all the 'duplicate' questions here on stack overflow and none of the solutions work for me.)
Using Emacs 24.5.1 with the following configuration.
(use-package tramp
:config (progn (setq tramp-default-proxies-alist (quote ((".*" "\'root\'" "/ssh:%h:"))))
(require 'tramp)
(tramp-mode 1)))
When I try:
and many, many other combinations . . .
. . . the minute I type the colon after 'sudo' in any syntax configuration it immediately throws an error stating that sudo can only be used locally.
BONUS QUESTION: can I use Tramp to first log into a remote server as myself and sudo to another generic sudo userid there after? Like|
Any help appreciated.
Forget setting tramp-default-proxies-alist
for the time being. Just open C-x C-f /|
. I also don't understand what setting tramp-mode
shall be good for.
BONUS ANSWER: yes. Your example needs a leading /
, 'tho.