I am using Cesium to visualize my scenario and I want to create a polygon in JavaScript using position of other moving entities as references for its endpoints. As suggested in the answer of this question by using CZML.
I was wondering if I can do it (referencing positions of other entities as endpoints of my polygon) in JavaScript. I tried a few things and it didn't work, for example, following is my code:
var newPoly= viewer.entities.add({
id : resourceSet[objIndex].id+"poly",
availability : new Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection([new Cesium.TimeInterval({
start : start,
stop : stop
hierarchy :{
Cesium.ReferenceProperty.fromString(collection, ''+entityName+'#position'),
Cesium.ReferenceProperty.fromString(collection, ''+baseEntity[0].id+'#position'),
Cesium.ReferenceProperty.fromString(collection, ''+baseEntity[1].id+'#position')
material :Cesium.Color.AQUA.withAlpha(0.5),
perPositionHeight : true,
show : true
show: true
For references I also tried :
.None of them worked!
Entity properties have a function getValue that takes a JulianDate time as a parameter and returns the value at that time. To get a position, you should be able to do something like
var position = entity.position.getValue(viewer.clock.currentTime);