I create a single contour and add it to the chart, add points with label text and also subscribe to the GetSeriesMark event, but the text is not displayed, and the event never gets fired
Contour contour1 = new Contour();
contour1.IrregularGrid = true;
// contour1
contour1.Brush.Color = Color.FromArgb(68, 102, 163);
contour1.ColorEach = false;
contour1.EndColor = Color.FromArgb(192, 0, 0);
contour1.FillLevels = checkEditFillLevels.Checked;
contour1.Marks.Style = MarksStyles.Label;
contour1.Marks.Visible = true;
contour1.NumLevels = 8;
contour1.PaletteMin = 0;
contour1.PaletteStep = 0;
contour1.PaletteStyle = PaletteStyles.Pale;
contour1.Pen.Color = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192);
contour1.Pen.Style = DashStyle.Dot;
contour1.Pointer.HorizSize = 2;
contour1.Pointer.Pen.Visible = false;
contour1.Pointer.Style = PointerStyles.Rectangle;
contour1.Pointer.VertSize = 2;
contour1.Pointer.Visible = true;
contour1.StartColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 192);
contour1.Title = "contour1";
Adding points is done with this
contour1.Add(x, y, z, "My Point 1");
Is there a way to display marks on the exact points in the Contour, and moreover is there a way to display marks only on specific points in the Contour (some points are actual data, others are made using interpolation to be able to show the contour)?
Since it is not possible to mark single points in contour (see @Narcís Calvet's answer), I ended up adding one Points series with marks on them. However, I still wanted only the Contour levels to be shown in the legend, and X axis to display it's values instead of Marks of the Points, so I needed to add following lines.
tChart1.Legend.LegendStyle = LegendStyles.Values;
tChart1.Legend.Series = _currentContour;
tChart1.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Style = AxisLabelStyle.Value;