I have an SVG with many image tags referring to external image sources(Say from amazon s3 bucket) . I am trying to convert it into png like this
canvg(document.getElementById('myCanvas'), svg);
var imgData = document.getElementById('myCanvas').toDataURL("image/png");
I am getting this error Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported.
I have changed my s3 bucket settings (As mentioned here). Added this piece of code after canvg function
var img = new Image();
img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
img.src = document.getElementById('myCanvas').value;
Even tried iterating over all the image tags and set crossOrigin attribute
Still I am getting the same error.
I found it better to do the conversion in server side since allowing cross origin in amazon s3 is a security threat and many browsers won't support .toDataUrl even if cross-origin permissions are given.
This is how I am doing the conversion
In client side
var s = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document.getElementById("svg"))
var encodedData = window.btoa(s);
And this encoded data is passed to the server side where I do the actual conversion svg to png using batik library
BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
byte[] image = decoder.decodeBuffer(encodedData);
String fileLocation = "C:\temp";
String fileName = "New-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
File file = new File(fileLocation +File.separator+ fileName + ".svg");
FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(file);
if (!file.exists()) {
PNGTranscoder transcoder = new PNGTranscoder();
TranscoderInput tinput = new TranscoderInput(new FileInputStream(fileLocation + File.separator + fileName +".svg"));
OutputStream ostream = new FileOutputStream(fileLocation + File.separator + fileName +".png");
TranscoderOutput toutput = new TranscoderOutput(ostream);
try {
transcoder.transcode(tinput, toutput);
} catch (TranscoderException e) {