I know how to do this with Autofac but not with Castle.
public interface IAmBaseInterface {}
public interface IAmInterface : IAmBaseInterface {...}
public class AmClass : IAmInterface {...}
I want to register implementation AmClass (and any other implementations) using IAmBaseInterface. Is this possible? I tried the following but it didn't register the type.
Tried this too which would be similar to AutoFac, but no success.
.Where(t => typeof(IAmBaseInterface).IsAssignableFrom(t)).WithService.AllInterfaces();
I realized that I had used Classes.From(Type[] ...) in my code rather than Classes.FromThisAssembly as in the example. Apparently it won't scan multiple assemblies to find basedon implementations. I also found that it won't scan multiple assemblies to find internal implementations but that's a side note.