I'm using Babel's ES6 transpiller and Tweenmax as my animations library, and it provides some objects that stores easing's curve, such as Back
, Sine
, etc.
Thing is that I'm using Eslint aswell, and these easing objects break the no-undef rule (which i don't want to disable).
JS example:
import TweenMax from 'gsap';
TweenMax.fromTo('.header__logo', .5, {y: -70, alpha: 0}, {y: 0, alpha: 1, delay: .4, ease: Back.easeOut});
97:98 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
98:110 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
99:109 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
105:85 error "Sine" is not defined no-undef
107:117 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
108:125 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
127:96 error "Sine" is not defined no-undef
133:98 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
134:151 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
159:103 error "Sine" is not defined no-undef
160:111 error "Sine" is not defined no-undef
165:97 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
166:109 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
167:108 error "Back" is not defined no-undef
How can I get TweenMax easings to work along with Eslint?
Ok, i've figured out.
The fastest way is to add GSAP variables to the globals
property in the .eslintrc file
"globals": {
"TimelineLite" : false,
"TimelineMax" : false,
"TweenLite" : false,
"TweenMax" : false,
"Back" : false,
"Bounce" : false,
"Circ" : false,
"Cubic" : false,
"Ease" : false,
"EaseLookup" : false,
"Elastic" : false,
"Expo" : false,
"Linear" : false,
"Power0" : false,
"Power1" : false,
"Power2" : false,
"Power3" : false,
"Power4" : false,
"Quad" : false,
"Quart" : false,
"Quint" : false,
"RoughEase" : false,
"Sine" : false,
"SlowMo" : false,
"SteppedEase" : false,
"Strong" : false,
"Draggable" : false,
"SplitText" : false,
"VelocityTracker" : false,
"CSSPlugin" : false,
"ThrowPropsPlugin" : false,
"BezierPlugin" : false
Properties retrieved from Green Sock forum