I need to reinitialize the state of some html elements from two different events (an html select change and a checkbox change), so I created a function that I placed outside the "ready" function to do that, and call it from both events.
However, JSLint flags this call to it:
$('#unitsselect').change(function() {
unitSelected = true;
. . .
...as being "out of scope"; specifically, it tells me,
'reinitializeRecipientsAndGenerateVals' is out of scope.
and indicates that line as the problematic one.
is indeed outside that change event handler, and also outside the "ready" function. I put it inside the ready function to see if that was the problem, but I still get that warning from JSLint with it there.
How can I reuse this function so that I don't have to move it inside both change event handlers?
Note: This has an "used out of scope" section, but not an "is out of scope"
According to this, all versions of JSLint use "{a} used outside of binding context"
Even when I move the function right into the change event handler, JSLint complains in the same way.
For Travis, here is the whole enchilada:
$(document).ready(function() {
var unitSelected = false;
var checkboxSelected = false;
// When unit is selected, populate the data range value elements; if checkbox selected,
// also populate email recipients and generate vals (specific day or based on a pattern)
$('#unitsselect').change(function() {
unitSelected = true;
var unitval = $('#unitsselect').val();
// This is admittedly kludgy - copying the same ajax call multiple times, changing only
// the report number; but a forloop attempt failed because of the asynchronous nature of
// it all; for some reason, populatedatarangeprams() was called only once, and with a
// rptval of 5 (when it "should have been" 1..4 instead).
var model = JSON.stringify({ unit: unitval, report: 1 });
type: 'GET',
url: '@Url.Action("GetUnitDataRangeParamsVals", "UnitReportDataRangeParams")',
data: { unit: unitval, report: 1 },
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
success: function(returneddata) {
populatedatarangeprams(1, returneddata);
error: function() {
alert('error - returneddata.error.stringify');
model = JSON.stringify({ unit: unitval, report: 2 });
type: 'GET',
url: '@Url.Action("GetUnitDataRangeParamsVals", "UnitReportDataRangeParams")',
data: { unit: unitval, report: 2 },
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
success: function(returneddata) {
populatedatarangeprams(2, returneddata);
error: function() {
alert('error - returneddata.error.stringify');
model = JSON.stringify({ unit: unitval, report: 3 });
type: 'GET',
url: '@Url.Action("GetUnitDataRangeParamsVals", "UnitReportDataRangeParams")',
data: { unit: unitval, report: 3 },
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
success: function(returneddata) {
populatedatarangeprams(3, returneddata);
error: function() {
alert('error - returneddata.error.stringify');
model = JSON.stringify({ unit: unitval, report: 4 });
type: 'GET',
url: '@Url.Action("GetUnitDataRangeParamsVals", "UnitReportDataRangeParams")',
data: { unit: unitval, report: 4 },
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
success: function(returneddata) {
populatedatarangeprams(4, returneddata);
error: function() {
alert('error - returneddata.error.stringify');
if (!checkboxSelected) {
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36870365/how-can-i-elegantize-this-verbose-jquery/
rptval = $('[id^=ckbx_]').filter(':checked').val();
setEmailAndGenerateValsForUnitReportPair(unitval, rptval);
}); // $('#unitsselect').change(function ()
// Checkbox selection has changed; if Unit has been selected, populate the email and generate vals
$(".ckbx").change(function() {
if (!this.checked) {
checkboxSelected = false;
checkboxSelected = true;
// this unchecks all other checkboxes (from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17785010/jquery-uncheck-other-checkbox-on-one-checked):
$('.ckbx').not(this).prop('checked', false);
// If no unit is selected, vals can not be set, so exit now
if (!unitSelected) {
var unitval = $('#unitsselect').val();
var rptval = $(this).val();
setEmailAndGenerateValsForUnitReportPair(unitval, rptval);
}); // $(".ckbx").change(function ()
}); // "ready" function
function setEmailAndGenerateValsForUnitReportPair(unitval, rptval) {
var model = JSON.stringify({ unit: unitval, report: rptval });
type: 'GET',
url: '@Url.Action("GetUnitReportPairEmailAddresses", "UnitReportPair")',
data: { unit: unitval, report: rptval },
contentType: 'application/json', //<= this is paired with stringify above; if comment out one, comment out both
cache: false,
success: function(returneddata) {
error: function() {
// The above AJAX call retrieved email addr vals; the next one is for the "Generate and Email Report" section of the page
type: 'GET',
url: '@Url.Action("GetUnitReportPairGenerateVals", "UnitReportPairGenerateVals")',
data: { unit: unitval, report: rptval },
contentType: 'application/json',
cache: false,
success: function(returneddata) {
error: function() {
//Adapted from Jakes's answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2204250/check-if-checkbox-is-checked-with-jquery
function isCheckedById(id) {
var checked = $("input[id=" + id + "]:checked").length;
return (checked != 0);
function populateemails(trampdata) {
// first, clear them all
// Now set those for which there are values
if (trampdata.UnitReportPairEmailVals.length > 0) {
if (trampdata.UnitReportPairEmailVals.length > 1) {
if (trampdata.UnitReportPairEmailVals.length > 2) {
function populategeneratevals(generateddata) {
// first, clear them all, if they had been set to something else
// Now set those for which there are values
var domOrdinalified = ordinalify(generateddata.generatevals.DayOfMonth);
// Now set the correct radio button
if ($("#dayofmonthselect").val() === 0) {
$("#groupRptGenerationAndSendingByDayOfMonth").prop("checked", true);
} else {
$("#groupRptGenerationAndSendingBasedOnAPattern").prop("checked", true);
function ordinalify(domint) {
if (domint === 1 || domint === 21 || domint === 31) {
return domint + 'st';
if (domint === 2 || domint === 22) {
return domint + 'nd';
if (domint === 3 || domint === 23) {
return domint + 'rd';
return domint + 'th';
function populatedatarangeprams(rptval, returneddata) {
if (rptval === 1) {
// Produce Usage
} else if (rptval === 2) {
// Delivery Performance
} else if (rptval === 3) {
// Price Compliance
} else if (rptval === 4) {
// Fill Rate
// TODO: Add 5 if/when Contract vs Market is added
function reinitializeRecipientsAndGenerateVals() {
Okay, I've tracked it down to this:
foo(); // <- function call
function foo() { // <- function declaration
Seem like it's an obscure way to say "Declare function before calling it!" or "Do not rely on hoisting!".
You can fix it by moving function declaration to the top.