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How to add multiple children to parent using Json2HTML library

I want to add multiple children to parent using json2html.

        "testSuiteNames": [{"testSuiteName": "TS1"}],
var testSuiteHtmlTemplate = {
  "tag": "table",
  "children": [{"tag": "tr",
       "children": [{
          "tag": "td",

          "children": [{
              "tag": "ul",
              "class": "report",
                   "onclick":function(){ return toggle(this);},
                                'html':"ts1 - TS (ok)"}           
                                }] //End of font tag
                                }]  //End of big tag               
              }], //End of Anchor Tag  
                   "onclick":function(){ return toggle(this);},
                                'html':"t1 - TC (ok)"}            
                                }] //End of font tag
                                }]  //End of big tag               
                           }] //End of inner List
               }]  // End of Link tag

             }]   //End of UI tag
        }]  // End of TD tag

    }]  // End of TR tag 
    var result = json2html.transform(jsonTestSuiteTemplate, testSuiteHtmlTemplate);

HTML given by the JSON2Html library

<table border="0"><tr><td><ul class="report"><LI nowrap="false" class="closed"><LI nowrap="false" class="closed"><a href="#testsuite"><big><font color="green">TS1</font></big></a></LI></LI></ul></td></tr></table>

But I want HTMl like this:

<table border="0">
                    <ul class="report">
                       <LI nowrap="true" class="closed">
                          <A HREF="#testsuite" onclick="toggle(this)"><big><font color="green">ts1 - TS (ok)</font></big></A> - 0:00:03.800
                             <LI nowrap="true" class="closed">
                                <A HREF="#testcase" onclick="toggle(this)"><big><font color="green">t1 - TC (ok)</font></big></A> - 0:00:03.800

I am new to json2Html library finding difficult to add multiple children to same parent.Any help is much appreciated!


  • If you're having trouble with building the transform, try using the transform builder

    JSON2HTML Transform Builder Click on "Builder" tab

    Here's the transform I get for your html, I've edited it to include the proper syntax for jquery events. Also if you're using events make sure to include the jquery plugin jquery.json2html.js

                                {"tag":"font","color":"green","html":"ts1 - TS (ok)"}
                                        {"tag":"font","color":"green","html":"t1 - TC (ok)"}
