I want to add multiple children to parent using json2html.
"testSuiteNames": [{"testSuiteName": "TS1"}],
var testSuiteHtmlTemplate = {
"tag": "table",
"children": [{"tag": "tr",
"children": [{
"tag": "td",
"children": [{
"tag": "ul",
"class": "report",
"onclick":function(){ return toggle(this);},
'html':"ts1 - TS (ok)"}
}] //End of font tag
}] //End of big tag
}], //End of Anchor Tag
"onclick":function(){ return toggle(this);},
'html':"t1 - TC (ok)"}
}] //End of font tag
}] //End of big tag
}] //End of inner List
}] // End of Link tag
}] //End of UI tag
}] // End of TD tag
}] // End of TR tag
var result = json2html.transform(jsonTestSuiteTemplate, testSuiteHtmlTemplate);
HTML given by the JSON2Html library
<table border="0"><tr><td><ul class="report"><LI nowrap="false" class="closed"><LI nowrap="false" class="closed"><a href="#testsuite"><big><font color="green">TS1</font></big></a></LI></LI></ul></td></tr></table>
But I want HTMl like this:
<table border="0">
<ul class="report">
<LI nowrap="true" class="closed">
<A HREF="#testsuite" onclick="toggle(this)"><big><font color="green">ts1 - TS (ok)</font></big></A> - 0:00:03.800
<LI nowrap="true" class="closed">
<A HREF="#testcase" onclick="toggle(this)"><big><font color="green">t1 - TC (ok)</font></big></A> - 0:00:03.800
I am new to json2Html library finding difficult to add multiple children to same parent.Any help is much appreciated!
If you're having trouble with building the transform, try using the transform builder
JSON2HTML Transform Builder Click on "Builder" tab
Here's the transform I get for your html, I've edited it to include the proper syntax for jquery events. Also if you're using events make sure to include the jquery plugin jquery.json2html.js
{"tag":"font","color":"green","html":"ts1 - TS (ok)"}
{"tag":"font","color":"green","html":"t1 - TC (ok)"}