I want to customize the datatip in Primefaces 5.2 charts. So it means, that I want to change the datatipFormat and the content on it.
It tried this:
--- XHTML ---
<p:chart type="line"
... />
--- Java ---
public String getDatatipFormat()
return "<span style=\"display:none;\">%s</span><span>%s</span>";
isShowDatatip() returns true.
The customized datatipFormat doesn't seem to work, moreover I don't know how to put the data I want on the %s.
To resume:
I found the solution.
Here, it leads me to the wrong direction.
I put my Java code on the LineChartController and my showDatatip leads to a LineChartModel ... which contains a setDatatipFormat(String) method.
So I use it:
LineChartModel lineModel = new LineChartModel();
lineModel.setDatatipFormat("<table><thead><tr><th>Date</th></tr></thead><tbody><td>%s</td><td>%s EUR</td></tbody></table>");
And I still don't know how to put the data I want in the %s.