In the android source code I see they define four variables as
protected int mPaddingRight = 0;
protected int mPaddingLeft = 0;
protected int mPaddingTop;
protected int mPaddingBottom;
In Java, what is the difference in initializing a variable to 0 or not? I don’t understand that in some compilers I cannot do a comparison unless I initialize the field. But that is not the case here. Does this have to do with optimization? Or is this just inconsistent/bad coding practice?
According to Java primitive data types tutorial: When fields are declared without initialization, the compiler will assign a sensible default value. Typically, this default would be zero or null, based on the data type.
byte 0
short 0
int 0
long 0L
float 0.0f
double 0.0d
char '\u0000'
String (or any object) null
boolean false
A good practice: initialize values before using them to prevent unexpected behavior.