I am writing ESRI geometry compression algorithm in JAVA, I am using this link.
Using instructions mentioned in provided link, this is my current code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String dirPoints = "-118.356654545455,34.1146;-118.356436363636,34.1143272727273;-118.356418181818,34.1142363636364;-118.356490909091,34.1137636363636";
String compressedGeometry = "";
double xPointPrev = 0.0;
double yPointPrev = 0.0;
int coefficient = 55000;
String coefficient_32 = Integer.toString(coefficient, 32);
compressedGeometry = coefficient_32 + compressedGeometry;
String[] path_XY = dirPoints.split(";");
for (int i = 0, leni = path_XY.length; i < leni; i++) {
String[] xy = path_XY[i].split(",");
double pointX = Double.parseDouble(xy[0].trim());
double pointY = Double.parseDouble(xy[1].trim());
int xDifference = (int) Math.round(coefficient * (pointX - xPointPrev));
int yDifference = (int) Math.round(coefficient * (pointY - yPointPrev));
String xDifference_32 = Integer.toString(xDifference, 32);
compressedGeometry += xDifference_32;
String yDifference_32 = Integer.toString(yDifference, 32);
compressedGeometry += yDifference_32;
xPointPrev = pointX;
yPointPrev = pointY;
Expected output: "+1lmo-66l1f+1p8af+c-f+1-5-4-q"
But I am getting this: "1lmo-66l1g1p8afc-f1-5-4-q"
What am I missing? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks,
According to Integer.toString()
"If the first argument is not negative, no sign character appears in the result."
Therefore I think you need to add the "+".
(And I think the f-g there is their typo).