I have an array which i have converted into comma separated here is how I did it:
$array[] = $imp;
$strings = implode(", ", $array);
After implode I get 34, 56, 78.
Now I have an array stored in session and I want to add $strings
into it like:
But when printed I get:
Array ( [0] => 191 [2] => 34, 56, 78 )
I want to add 34, 56, 78 value separately so that array can look like this:
Array ( [0] => 191 [2] => 34 [3] => 56 [4] => 78 )
Copy-paste next code and run in your browser :
$_SESSION[ "arr" ] = array( "100","200","300" );
$strings = "34,56,78";
$_SESSION[ "arr" ] = array_merge( $_SESSION[ "arr" ],explode( ",",$strings) );
var_dump( $_SESSION[ "arr" ] );