My spring-boot
application can be ran from the command line
with arguments
passed as parameters.
I want to set up my main method
so that if a user passes "a" as an argument: task A is ran. If they pass "b" as an argument Task B is ran.
I currently am implementing this using:
//run task A
Is there a better way to do this / is the above implementation correct?
Full Runner class:
public class MyRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
//other code
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
//run task A
//run task B
is not what you want, it will return a toString of an array, something like: [Ljava.lang.String;@15db9742
This would be more likely what you want:
for(String arg : args) {
if(arg.equals("a")) { // or .contains
// run task A