Search code examples

Criteria - DetachedCriteria in Grails


I have the following domain class in my app:

class Test {

 String name
 static hasMany = [evaluationsTest: Evaluation]


class Evaluation {
 String testName
 Float testScore

I need to obtain the number of evaluations between a range of scores (example: evaluations with scores between 7-8 ) of a specific test.

With a criteria I can obtain it correctly:

def criteria = Test.createCriteria()
def example = criteria.list {
   eq 'name', params.test
   evaluationsTest {
      ge("testScore", 7 as Float)
      lt("testScore", 8 as Float)
   projections {

But I want to know a async search and for this reason I want to use a DetachedCriteria but it does not work.

DetachedCriteria detached = Test.where {
   name == params.test
   evaluationsTest {
      ge("testScore", 7 as Float)
      lt("testScore", 8 as Float)
   .projections {
} as DetachedCriteria

def result = detached.async.list()

EDITED: Solved with withCriteria() method.


Besides, I have another doubt. I need to parallelize this code. How can I do the each fragment? I used to task but sometimes works and other times appears the error: Array Index Out of Bounds Exception

// Rows
def rows = []
def addRow = { name, value ->
    rows << [c: [[v: name], [v: value]]]
// Add departments
departments.each { department ->
    addRow(, department.users.size())
def UDData = [cols: cols, rows: rows]

With this code (tasks), I obtain: Array index out of bounds

List queriesToExecute = []

// Add departments - Asynchronous/Multi-thread
departments.each { department ->
    def departmentTask = tasks {
        rows << [c: [[v:], [v:department.users.size()]]]
     queriesToExecute << departmentTask


  • One reason your query may be failing is because you're creating a where query instead of a criteria query, and where queries do not support projections very well. They work... but only sometimes. And you'd have to define them outside of the query, like so:

    DetachedCriteria detached = Test.where {
       name == params.test
       evaluationsTest {
          ge("testScore", 7 as Float)
          lt("testScore", 8 as Float)
    }.projections {
    } as DetachedCriteria

    But, you don't actually need a DetachedCriteria to perform an async query. You can do it with a criteria query:

    def promise = Test.async.withCriteria() {
       eq 'name', params.test
       evaluationsTest {
          ge("testScore", 7 as Float)
          lt("testScore", 8 as Float)
       projections {
    def result = promise.get()

    Collecting the departments concurrently

    Here's an example of using GPars to collect the department data concurrently, without side-effects:

    import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
    def rows
    withPool {
        rows = departments.collectParallel { department ->
            [c: [[v:], [v:department.users.size()]]]
    def UDData = [cols: cols, rows: rows]

    This is using fork-join. So the Closure is executed concurrently, and then the results are joined together.