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PhpStorm - setting setters and getters

PhpStorm has a useful feature when quickly creating setters and getters:

Code -> generate -> select the items to generate 

This is great for setting basic setters/getters.

However from time to time I want to set more than just setters and getters. For instance I may want to create setters and getters for a one to many or many to many relationship.


Many to many

 * {@inheritDoc}
public function getOwner()
    return $this->owner->toArray();

 * Set the list of user
 * @param Collection $owner
public function setOwner( Collection $owner )

    foreach ( $owner as $item ) {
        $this->owner[] = $item;

 * Add merchant to the collection
 * @param Collection $owner
public function addOwner( Collection $owner )
    foreach( $owner as $item ) {
        $this->owner->add( $item );

 * @param Collection $owner
public function removeOwner( Collection $owner )
    foreach( $owner as $item ) {
        $this->owner->removeElement( $item );

Is there a way to do this via the same code generation process?


  • Unfortunately ATM PhpStorm does not support such functionality. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified about any progress (so far it's not planned for any specific future version -- possibly because of very low number of votes -- sort of: no votes = no interest = no need to invest resources into it right now).


    The only alternative I can think of right now (that would use that Code Generation functionality) .. is to modify template for Getter/Setter so that it contains more than one method (example). This way you can generate setXXX/addXXX as well as getXXX/removeXXX methods in one go.

    Obviously, it would be applied in all cases, so if you need just get/set then you would need to manually remove add/remove methods -- that's a drawback of such approach.

    Note that File & Code Templates could be IDE-wide (Default schema) or project-specific (Project schema) .. so you may use such combined getters/setters in certain projects only.

    The only other alternative is half manual and requires you to use Live Templates.

    • Make actual live template (one time job)
    • You need to manually find the place where you want this code to be placed
    • Invoke Live Template expansion (so that code template gets inserted)
    • Fill all live template variables to complete the code.

    With your addXXX/removeXXX code sample you may end up with just filling 1 or 2 template variables (just a quick estimation on what I see; the same variable can be used multiple times so will be filled in few places at the same time; entered text can be transformed (limited set of transformations) so it can be re-used in another variable automatically (e.g. you are typing owner and in another place it is used as Owner automatically).