The documentation on RelayJS says the RelayJS can use node.js as a GraphQL server, but not ASP.NET web service.
How can I use RelayJS with ASP.NET web api end point?
How can I use RelayJS with ASP.NET web api end point?
By placing a GraphQL server in-between Relay client-side and ASP.NET web api end point.
The Getting Started page of Relay documentation clearly mentions that 2 additional things are needed to use Relay:
- A GraphQL Schema: This is your data model. You need to map your ASP.NET web API to a GraphQL schema.
- A GraphQL Server: Your client-side speaks to this server. In your case, this GraphQL server will talk to your ASP.NET web API.
A good example of this is GraphQL schema and server wrapping Star Wars API.
Some conecptual clarifications about your question
- Relay is a specification. It's actually called GraphQL Relay Specification. It's not restricted to JavaScript. Check Awesome Relay to find the list of languages for which Relay libraries are already available.
- It helps to think of Relay and GraphQL as 2 sides:
- server-side consisting of GraphQL server, which speaks the schema. It can receive queries and mutation requests. How you prepare and provide the requested data depend on back-end logic. For example, you may have your own database, which you use directly to fetch / prepare the exposed data. Or you may use an external API to fetch / prepare data.
There are libraries in languages other than JavaScript to help you write GraphQL schema and server. Check Awesome GraphQL.
- client-side using Relay library, which talks to a GraphQL server and fetches data as needed.