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Codeception Content-disposition assert file

I want to assert a xls file. I get this back:

"attachment; filename="testify.xlsx""

How can I do assertions on the file?

I have the tmp Path from the $_SERVER['TMPDIR'] and a clean filename, but there is no file in directory.


  • There are no built-in methods for this purpose, you will have to write your own helper.

    If you are using PhpBrowser or one of framework modules, they have two useful hidden methods: _getResponseContent returns page(or file) content,
    _savePageSource saves it to file.

    So your helper method would look like this:

    function seeXlsFileIsValid()
        $fileContent = $this->getModule('PhpBrowser)->_getResponseContent();
        $this->assertTrue(..., 'returned xls file is not valid');

    If you want to assert response headers, copy seeHttpHeader method from REST module.