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Does Codeception BDD have a @Transform function like Behat does?

In Behat you can do a transformation like so:


 * @Transform /^"([^"]+)" shipping method$/
 * @Transform /^shipping method "([^"]+)"$/
 * @Transform :shippingMethod
public function getShippingMethodByName($shippingMethodName)
    $shippingMethod = $this->shippingMethodRepository->findOneByName($shippingMethodName);

        sprintf('Shipping method with name "%s" does not exist', $shippingMethodName)

    return $shippingMethod;

 * @Given /^(shipping method "[^"]+") belongs to ("[^"]+" tax category)$/
public function shippingMethodBelongsToTaxCategory(
    ShippingMethodInterface $shippingMethod,
    TaxCategoryInterface $taxCategory
) {
    // some logic here

Basically, adding a colon before a variable and using @Transform keyword.

Is there a way to do that in Codeception?


  • codeception, despite using behat vendor libraries, does not implement the @Transform feature.