Basically what I am trying to do, is compare the selected Index of two combo boxes in Win Forms. If ComboBoxA.SelectedIndex == 1 and, ComboBoxB.SelectedIndex == 1, I need to prevent that from happening, by changing ComboBoxB.SelectedIndex to 2.
I tried doing this through an If statement and couldn't get the results I was looking for.
if (Northern.SelectedIndex == 1 && NorthernEnd.SelectedIndex == 1)
NorthernEnd.SelectedIndex = 2;
However, I can't seem to get this to work. I am a beginner in C# working on my last assignment of the term.
You can handle the event to prevent the action:
if (Northern.SelectedIndex == 1 && NorthernEnd.SelectedIndex == 1)
e.Handled = true;
Here is the MSDN ref.