I have a number of structs which implement a Resource
protocol. This defines that they must have a variable extendedInfo
which conforms to ExtendedInfo
protocol to provide a way to initialise them with json via init(json: [String: AnyObject]
. I'm trying to provide a way to dynamically instantiate these, with JSON, providing the right type of ExtendedInfo
and assign it to the struct's extendedInfo
variable. However, I'm getting a Argument labels '(json:)' do not match any available overloads
error when trying to instantiate them via their dynamicType
protocol Resource {
associatedtype ExtendedInfoTypeAlias: ExtendedInfo
var extendedInfo: ExtendedInfoTypeAlias? { get set }
protocol ExtendedInfo {
init(json: [String: AnyObject])
struct User: Resource {
typealias ExtendedInfoTypeAlias = UserExtendedInfo
let name: String = "Name"
var extendedInfo: UserExtendedInfo?
struct UserExtendedInfo: ExtendedInfo {
let age: Int?
init(json: [String: AnyObject]) {
age = json["age"] as? Int
let user = User()
let sampleJSON = ["age": 50]
let userExtendedInfo = user.extendedInfo.dynamicType.init(json: sampleJSON) // Argument labels '(json:)' do not match any available overloads
user.extendedInfo = userExtendedInfo
Any ideas guys? Thanks
First of all, you don't need to explicitly define the type of ExtendedInfoTypeAlias
in your struct implementation – you can just let it be inferred by the type you provide for extendedInfo
struct User: Resource {
let name: String = "Name"
var extendedInfo: UserExtendedInfo?
Second of all, you can just use the protocol's associated type of your given struct's dynamicType
in order to use your given initialiser. For example:
user.extendedInfo = user.dynamicType.ExtendedInfoTypeAlias.init(json: sampleJSON)
print(user.extendedInfo) // Optional(Dynamic_Protocols.UserExtendedInfo(age: Optional(50)))
As for why your current code doesn't work, I suspect it's due to the fact that you're getting the dynamicType
from an optional – which is preventing you from calling your initialiser on it.
I did find that the following works, even when . (This is a bug).extendedInfo
is nil
user.extendedInfo = user.extendedInfo!.dynamicType.init(json: sampleJSON)