I'm creating a chess game, I already created the rook's and the bishop's and I'm about to start creating the queen piece. The problem is that the queen combines the moves of the rook's and the bishop's, so I don't want to write repetitive code and instead just use the 2 classes for the rook's and the bishop's and they're methods into the queen one.
Here's the bishop class
public class OficerPiece : Figure
public OficerPiece(FigureDefinition definition) : base(definition)
protected override List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns()
//here i set the valid moves
The rook class is basically the same but with different implementation of the GetValidTurns()
Every single piece in my project inherits the Figure
abstract class which contains info that every piece is using the only difference is in the GetValidTurns
method so we leave that for the derived class to implement.
That's the queen class
public class Kralica : Figure
public Kralica(FigureDefinition definition) : base(definition)
protected override List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns()
//here i want to combine the 2 methods GetValidTurns from the bishop class and the rook class
You can create a new class or interface for your valid turns to encapsulate them and make it easy to reuse.
public interface ValidTurn
List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns();
public class StraightSlide : ValidTurn
public List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns()
// ... valid rook turns here
public class DiagonalSlide : ValidTurn
public List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns()
// ... valid bishops turns here
public class Kralica : Figure
public Kralica(FigureDefinition definition) : base(definition)
protected override List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns()
var straight = new StraightSlide();
var diagonal = new DiagonalSlide();
return straight.Concat(diagonal);
Also the code in your original classes should be replaced by your new ValidTurn classes.
public class StraightSlide : ValidTurn
private Figure figure;
public StraightSlide(Figure figure)
this.figure = figure;
public List<Tuple<int, int>> GetValidTurns()
// ... valid rook turns here
You could maybe consider put all your validation logic into the ValidTurn(TurnValidation).