Hello I face some problem, I'm not able to to call webservice from java and send the result to flex side.
the process
The class responsible for ldap ws call is in custom jar (Maven dependencies)
public User checkUserCredetialFromLdap(String identifiant, String password) throws EmmBusinessException, LdapServiceException{
User myUser = null;
User myCompleteUser = null;
//initialization of webservice with the endpoint URL failed
Axis1LdapWsAuth ws = new Axis1LdapWsAuth(Config.getProperties().getProperty("endpoint.url"));
//authentication using webservice
String csif_sessionID =ws.login(identifiant, password);
}catch(LdapServiceException lse)
EmmBusinessException emmB = new EmmBusinessException(lse,this,"","Unable to get User",Level.WARNING);
throw (emmB);
catch (Exception t) {
EmmBusinessException emmB = new EmmBusinessException(t,this,"","Unable to get User",Level.WARNING);
throw (emmB);
} finally {
return myCompleteUser;
I know it's possible to call webservice on flex side using RPC, but I don't want to do that, but for some reason I need to and have to call webservice from java side.
is't possible ? How can I do that ?
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